Thoughts from Central Texas, random as they can be, offering insight into the unknown. Or just whatever I feel like posting at any given time.


Sloth Bear eats Monkey

Tell me someone sees the humor/irony in this. Here.

I say that the macaque probably deserved it. They are such annoying little Ebola infested feces hurlers. I mean, think about it. This little monkey couldn't out maneuver, out think a Sloth Bear? Let's see, ah yes here it is:

sloth ( P ) Pronunciation Key (slĂ´th, slth, slth)
Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence.

A sloth bear, not black bear, not Kodiak bear, certainly not grizzly bear, but sloth bear. Sounds like the white trash 3rd cousin of the care bears. Sloth Bear, A lazy, welfare abusing, entitlement lifestyle living quadruped. These bears make Yogi bear look like a go-getter. Yet these bears were able to overtake and consume for their enjoyment a monkey. Supposedly one notch down on the so-called evolutionary ladder. Sounds like this monkey needed more than an opposable thumb. You can teach some monkeys sign language, and as Matthew Broderick showed us they can even fly nuclear bombers after being exposed to radiation and successfully complete their mission. But this little guy gets eaten by sloth bears. Funny, ironic yet strangely poetic and just.

C'mon kiddies, it's a bear eat monkey world out there and the sooner you realize it, the better off you are. So whether it is on your 50" Plasma hi-def TV watching Wild Kingdom on the discovery channel or that rare trip to the zoo where the bear catches the monkey, pay attention. You are watching real life in action, get used to it, study it, and learn from it. And most importantly apply the lessons from it.

Survival of the fittest at work. You, monkey! Out of the gene pool!

Now you Know. And Knowing is half the battle...GI JOE!!!


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