Thoughts from Central Texas, random as they can be, offering insight into the unknown. Or just whatever I feel like posting at any given time.


Blog overload

For some reason I have been blog hopping a lot this week. I have a few blogs that I always check off and on a weekly basis, but here lately I follow one to another and another and so on. Complete madness. Some blog highlights from the past week. I googled an old buddy of mine the other day and came across a blog that I did not know that they had. So I dove in and read some snippets. Interesting stuff. One of the appeals of a blog is the relative anonymity of posting. I post this stuff out here with the knowledge that it could be read by thousands, but the reality that it might be read by a few that do not even know me. So it was interesting to read this person's posts. I learned some things. Things that I son't think ever would have come up in normal conversation. Other blog highlights include a couple of blogs that are written and updated by soldiers out on the frontlines in Iraq. Incredible stories. My favorite was the one of the tank in the mindfield and just incredible that no one was killed. I came across this blog from another blog that I frequent entitled "Mostly Cajun, All American and Opionated. Good stuff. This guy is a blog master, I am more like blog pond scum in the big world of blog food chains.

Maybe next post will be a little sooner than a month and a half, but who knows. Extremely busy at home and work.

Git R dun


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