Thoughts from Central Texas, random as they can be, offering insight into the unknown. Or just whatever I feel like posting at any given time.


How did this happen...

Well it appears that I got sucked into the world of blogging. Interesting because my lack of time for extracurricular activities is suprisingly short. Also interesting is that back in college I was blogging when blogging wasn't cool. I had a little site called Cory's Comments. I hid it on the backside of an organizational webpage that I was in charge of at the time. I would put up my own op-eds over various topics. Many of which were somewhat controversial on either the local or national level. But I digress... Here I am in 2005 jumping into the world of blogging. I have thought about this many a time, as this form of expression is somewhat gratifying. It gives me a voice that I otherwise feel that I wouldn't have, even if no one reads it. So stay tuned for various updates, comments, editorials, and the occasional rant.


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