Thoughts from Central Texas, random as they can be, offering insight into the unknown. Or just whatever I feel like posting at any given time.


Absolute Truth

Humor me for just a few minutes. Let's assume that their is absolute truth in our world. A distinct line between right and wrong, good and evil, black and white. No gray areas. In other words, it's OK to say, hey that is wrong, because we know it is. Take this story for example. Now remember that we are in the world of absolute truth and that it is OK for this university to kick this guy out, because he has violated this truth. There would be no outrage, no threatened legislative action, and no comments about how "unchristian like" this act is. Sounds rather crisp and clean and succinct. Ladies and gentlemen this absolute truth is out there and it is available to all who seek. However, judging by reaction and comments to this story, we are far away from everyone understanding this concept of absolute truth. This thought leads me to several more post topics, but those will have to wait for another time.


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