Thoughts from Central Texas, random as they can be, offering insight into the unknown. Or just whatever I feel like posting at any given time.


Its Freedom OF, not Freedom FROM!!!

One of the things that just continues to bring my blood to boil is when people "get offended" when confronted with religion, specifically the Christian religion. Bottom line is, go back and read the Constitution and stop listening to these liberal, legislating from the bench, revisionist judges. Atheism is a religion. Face it. The lack of faith is still a faith that these people believe in fervently. When the courts decide that a cross at a Korean War memorial (San Diego) is too much, because of the complaint of one and only one atheist, they have gone to far and have endorsed a religion, atheism. What happened to majority rules? Since when did the opinion of one person become law at the apathy of the masses? This is the United States of America and we have (at least in writing) the freedom of religion. That means Christian, Jew, Mormon, Muslim, you name it. Now I may not agree with some of these groups, and while I may not be directly offended by their presence in society, I am not exactly enthused by it either. But I know as an American that their ability to even be in society is crucial to survival of the same society.

God Bless America!


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