Thoughts from Central Texas, random as they can be, offering insight into the unknown. Or just whatever I feel like posting at any given time.



So I was flying to Phoenix the other day and read an article on the plane about creativity. It was interesting in that the article was linking creativity to better health. Primarily the train of thought that if you keep your mind active then the health benefits of that later in life are very good (i.e. dementia, alzheimers, etc.) The article even mentioned something as simple as blogging to be beneficial to your health. Interesting indeed.

Social security is a potsi scheme. If this is supposed to be my money that I pay for my retirement, then why can't I just keep it and get a real return on my investment? This is a good thing people, realize this. This is a huge issue for people like myself that are 30 years out from retirement. If you are knocking on the door, you have to understand that it won't be taken away from you so stop mucking it up for the rest of us.

Today is the 169th anniversary of Texas' Independence. Happy Birthday Texas. Texas really is a great place. So many people out there don't think so, and these are the same people that call us intolerant red necks. I enjoy being in parts of Texas where people say yes ma'am and yes sir, people open doors for one other, and tell each other Hi, or Howdy. Other places do not seem as friendly, US and otherwise. Some people don't like us, cause they don't like the President and he comes from Texas. Wow, don't you just love that high school mentality. "I don't like you because you wear brand X instead of brand Y." To all of these people, may I suggest investing in a lifestyle change to perhaps a middle eastern country or somewhere on the African plain. To these folks I say, "God Bless 'Em!"
